Formerly referred to as mobile homes, modern manufactured homes have many more options than in past years when the original mobile homes which were constructed in a factory and brought to locations for the GIs returning home from World War II. Modern California Manufactured homes of today are still built in a factory, but these are now high tech completely climate controlled environments, and today’s Modern Manufactured Homes are built as well as conventional stick-built homes. They can range in size from as little as 640 to 2640 square feet and more. They are available in non, partial, or full finished drywall with a full range of exterior, interior, window flooring and appliance options. Even Cathedral ceilings, gourmet kitchens and elegant baths can be built. Two stories are available for those long, skinny lots by the beach or tree filled lots in the mountains.
California Manufactured homes conform to the U.S. government’s Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, otherwise known as HUD code. The HUD code requires manufactured homes to be built on a steel chassis, which is non-removable. They are transported to the building site on their own wheels, in one or two sections depending on the width of the home, and joined by construction professionals. They can be placed on a permanent foundation if desired. Manufactured homes are typically built for Mobile Home Parks – but can be also placed on private property in California!
Contact USModular Home Builders to build a modern manufactured home in California!